LEAVE It: September 2020

For the month of September, we focused on letting go.

We asked our community:

  • What extra weight have we been carrying?

  • We have the power to evict the things, thoughts, and behaviors that do not deserve space in our world.

We really enjoyed reviewing all of the submissions we received. Thank you for sharing your stories, your burdens, and your process with us. We are honored to be witnesses to such creative, courageous acts. It is our hope that this project brought positivity and freedom to your life. We selected five artists to be featured for the LEAVE IT show. Their statements and images may be viewed below. Please enjoy, be inspired, and join us in our upcoming projects!


Lisette Flores. “Untitled” Series.

When I was little the world was a strange place to me. I didn't speak the language, the world was so big. So alien to me. I slowly learned the language but I didn't make the connection. It was hard to find the right words to Express my feelings, my thoughts. A piece of paper, pencil, pen and an eraser gave me a freedom I had never experienced before. A visual language. No words needed. Shapes textures lights and darks became my language. As I got older it became my way to leave the world behind. Put order in a world that fills itself with chaos. It saved me then and continues to save me now.


ANONYMOUS. “Nothing”.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Adam Pessah. “The Sublimation of my Masochism”.

Just as ice sublimates into gas I chose to sublimate from my inner being the negative thought patterns that direct me to cross bridges to nowhere. As opposed to self-love this is self-care through the opposition, resistance and inevitable resilience to the negative polarities in my thoughts and feelings. Through daily practice I will actualize this goal.



Submitting this is a form of letting go of fear. The project itself, is about losing uncertainty, and/or doubt. It is predominantly about letting go, but acknowledging, and appreciating the lesson of the hardship regardless of how painful it is/was.


Lindsay Reynolds. “Never Signed, Never Sent.”

Throughout my life, I have experienced various moments when I did not say what I was thinking or feeling. This project is in honor of the words that I have never said out loud. Through the writing and sculpting process, I was able to give birth to an independent nest that houses the “darker” parts of myself. Rather than allow my thoughts to brood and incubate within me, I have given them a space to call their own. I placed this sculpture in the woods of Vermont so that the words I have left unsaid may return to the wild and we may both be free.


"It" Takes a Village
